Health Insights January 2, 2019 January 2019 Live Well Work Well The first Live Well Work Well of the new year will help you start 2019 out on the right foot… Sandy Joseph Love0
Client Alerts - Employee Benefits January 9, 2019 January 9th, 2019 Client Alert: 2019 Brings Minimum Wage Increases to 21 States 21 states have adopted a minimum wage that is higher than the federal minimum wage rate, and depending on what… Sandy Joseph Love0
P & C Newsletters January 14, 2019 January 2019 P&C Newsletter: Construction In an already dangerous work environment, cranes add unique exposures on construction sites that need to be accounted for during… Sandy Joseph Love0
Client Alerts - Employee BenefitsP & C Newsletters January 16, 2019 UPDATE: OSHA Form 300 A Summary Data by Feb. 1st, 2019 February 1st is the deadline for posting your OSHA 300 A Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses in a… Sandy Joseph Love0
P & C Newsletters January 22, 2019 January 2019 P&C Newsletter: Captives While captives are becoming more and more common, they are still not generally considered admitted insurers outside of their domicile.… Sandy Joseph Love0
Events January 23, 2019 Feb. 20th Seminar and Feb. 21st Webinar: What’s New in Employee Benefits for 2019? During our first seminar of the year, Carolyn Cox will discuss compliance issues for employee benefit plans in 2019, including… Sandy Joseph Love0
Health Insights January 31, 2019 February 2019 Live Well Work Well In this month's Live Well Work Well we focus on how physical and mental well-being affects heart health, how practicing… Sandy Joseph Love0