Health Insights August 6, 2021 August 2021 – Health Insights Newsletter In this month’s Health Insights newsletter, you’ll learn about the positive effects that a healthy diet can have on you… Sandy Joseph Love0
P & C Newsletters August 10, 2021 P&C Newsletter – August 2021: Captives The pandemic has changed the way most businesses operate, and many may be wondering how they can better protect themselves… Sandy Joseph Love0
Benefits Newsletter August 17, 2021 August 2021 Benefits Newsletter In this month’s Benefits Newsletter, we’re discussing employer vaccine incentives, new surprise medical billing guidance, and much more. Download this… Sandy Joseph Love0
Client Alerts - Employee Benefits August 19, 2021 August 19, 2021 Client Alert: ARPA COBRA Subsidy: Notice of Expiration Requirement The U.S. Department of Labor recently released model forms that can be used to provide a Notice of Expiration to… Sandy Joseph Love0
Health Insights August 30, 2021 September 2021 – Health Insights Newsletter This month’s Health Insights newsletter is dedicated to mental health, featuring articles on the connection between social media use and… Sandy Joseph Love0
Client Alerts - Employee Benefits August 31, 2021 8-31-2021 Client Alert: Agency FAQS Defer Enforcement of Numerous Transparency and Surprise Billing Requirements And Provide Compliance Timeline The DOL, HHS, and IRS recently released additional FAQ guidance on implementing the transparency in coverage regulations from the Consolidated… Sandy Joseph Love0