Insurance Solutions

Surety Bonds

Make the acquisition and management of surety credit a breeze with Moreton & Company’s specialized Surety Bonds team.

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What We Do

Get an effective surety credit program

Surety Credit or Bonds are commonly categorized into commercial bonds and contract bonds.

  • Commercial bonds are typically used by businesses that require licenses and ensure they will adhere to the regulations and codes that relate to their line of work.
  • Contract bonds are typically associated with a project, such as a construction project, and ensure that the bond owner is covered in the case of a contractor not performing their agreed scope of work.

Rather than surety and bonds being an afterthought or an add-on to your commercial insurance program, we provide the specialized expertise of an in-house department that focuses exclusively on surety, with decades of experience behind each team member. We have key relationships with local and national underwriters that allow us the creativity and credibility to build a surety program that fits your business needs.

How we can help

Painless Bond Program Management

Acquiring and managing surety credit can be daunting. There is a lot of complexity, paperwork, confusing terms, requirement changes, and deadlines to keep track of. With Moreton & Company, you don’t have to worry about those things, since we will keep all the details organized for you. Your projects and large-scale developments can continue uninterrupted.

Surety is a unique area in commercial insurance, and we have a specialized department to assist you with acquiring and building a surety program that is the right fit for your business, your risk levels, and has your best interests in mind.

Your questions answered

Surety Bonds FAQs

Here are some commonly asked questions about this solution from our clients. If you have additional questions and want to learn more, reach out to us.

What does Moreton & Company do to support my surety program?

Our team can help with everything related to acquiring and managing your surety needs. This includes:

  • Reviewing and assisting in financial planning, to maximize the available surety credit at the most competitive cost while limiting, as much as possible, the required indemnity.
  • Providing counsel for crucial financial decisions, to ensure they have a positive impact on bonding relationships.
  • Reviewing contractual insurance provisions, project documents, and bond forms with experienced staff to achieve optimal risk management.
  • Assisting with claims management.

What services are available for contract bonds?

If you are looking for support for contract bonds, we can help you with the following services:

  • Performance
  • Bid Bonds
  • Payment
  • Supply
  • Maintenance
  • Warranty

What services are available for commercial bonds?

If you are looking for support for commercial bonds, we can help you with the following services:

  • Subdivision
  • License
  • Court
  • Reclamation
  • Tax Guarantees
  • Right of Way
  • Notary Public
  • Reclamation
  • Excavation

What is the process to acquire a bond?

The process typically follows these main steps:

  • Contact our specialized team for a consultation
  • Fill out an application or questionnaires. These will typically ask you for your business information, references, multiple years of financial reports (for example: audited financials, credit reports, etc.), and the details of the project or license you are looking to acquire a bond for.
  • We work with you to match you with the underwriters and surety companies that best fit your needs and business personality.

What should I do first to start the process?

Contact us to begin the process of working with our surety team. You can fill out the form on our contact page here, or reach out to Judy Parry for contract bonds ([email protected]) or Sherry Pace for commercial bonds ([email protected]). We look forward to meeting you and seeing what assistance we can provide you.

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