Health Insights January 1, 2017 January 2017 – Live Well Work Well Newsletter This month's newsletter features articles the benefits of helping others as you age, national blood donor month, cost-effective interventions for… Sandy Joseph Love0
Client Alerts - Employee Benefits January 19, 2017 Client Alert: Annual Creditable/Non-Creditable Coverage Notice Due Date Approaching Health plans that offer prescription drug coverage must make an annual online disclosure to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid… Sandy Joseph Love0
Events January 25, 2017 Benefits Compliance Seminar: Say Goodbye to the ACA? – Salt Lake City Office Join Carolyn Cox, Moreton & Company’s Compliance Counsel, for a discussion regarding the impact on employer group health plans as… Sandy Joseph Love0
Benefits Newsletter January 31, 2017 Q1 Benefits Newsletter: 2017 This quarter's newsletter covers the evolving case law on Title VII's application to sexual orientation discrimination, legislation authorizing stand-along HRAs… Sandy Joseph Love0